Riddle: When do gaming and editing services meet?
Answer: At DexCon, of course!
Ann Stolinsky, partner in Gemini Wordsmiths and owner of Gontza Games, attended the July 2019 East Coast annual gaming convention. When she told the attendees that she is a game designer and play-tester as well as a game rules editor, jaws dropped. “It’s a unique niche editing game rules, but because I have been immersed in the gaming world since 2002, and am a professional editor, I am able to combine these skills. Ruth and I can take a game that is in development, one with just the bones of a set of rules, and ensure that all rules that are necessary to play the game are included, clear to players of all ages, and grammatically correct.” Ann also edits game boards and game boxes for consistency. You can’t have the board show a diamond shape or the outer box show a circle when you call it a square in the rules.
If you’ve got an idea for the next Monopoly, Cards Against Humanity, or even the old standard, Life, contact us for prices and ideas!